Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation Warriors

C managed to take 6 days off after finding out he was not selected for jury duty. H had a long boring Monday to find out. The 6 days off is supposed to make the house chores even more productive. We decided this year that since we want to move in the immediate future, we would spend the money we'd go one vacation on house projects. The biggest hurdle we have is we have to do the house projects to sell the house. While we desperately want to get out of debt, in the end, the house repairs win.

But, to avoid more debt, we've been doing this quite conservatively. I am so proud of him! He now tries to use every scrap of wood possible and not waste. Today, he saved us about $60! He also repaired the dryer my sister gave me when she replaced her old one. It cost $29 and 2 hours of time and viola--a new dryer. I am happy with it.

Today, we picked up our van ($600 we had to shell out for the rental and deductible thanks to the hail) and went shopping. We got enough groceries to last us at least a week and it only cost us $122! I went to a discount grocery store which has organic food. So, we aren't compromising on our we believe we should eat.

In addition, I weeded the front yard and divided up plants.  have been very conservative by doing this. Instead of buying new plants (although I am doing that quite a bit as well) I try to divide up the plants as much as possible and fill in the gaps that way. It's helping make the yard way more inviting. I a thoroughly enjoying it as well.

I am slightly behind on groceries, and on laundry. However, it is more due to the fact that I have been trying to catch up on so much other things. I am in need of doing two loads tonight to round out my chores. I definitely think changing my routine from a designated laundry day to doing a load a day is working so much better. We will have to see how it all works out once the children have evening activities. This is partly why I am trying to get us on a school and activity schedule. It is so hard though since I have had children come and go from my house all summer! We are not used to that as much but the children are adoring this new thing.

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