Sunday, July 17, 2011

Keeping up with The Alphabet Family

First of all, please understand I want to comment to you...for whatever reason, I make my comments, then sign in and it keeps directing me to sign in. I cannot comment back. It's extremely frustrating!

Among other things, school is frustrating me as well. I am a true believer that school needs to be year round. Partly, to keep up a routine. Last year, we fell out of routine and it really made a huge impact on how far back the girls got. So, this year, we are doing school through the summer. It started out fine. But, then I let it slip because of summer camps, friends being over, etc. and so now the girls are behind. Many of my friends are doing summer school with their children to keep them at pace. Since we cyberschool, the children get the advantage that their summer school counts for the year. The sooner the girls realize this, the better and less frustrating it will be. Depending on their age, a traditional day of school is done by noon. I am frustrated that they even complain. Leave it to them and they'd vegetate (reading, video games and computer games or tv) over having to do any structured activity. This, too, frustrates me. I have begun to demand a better routine in the house.

C's 6 days are really being quite productive. We finished mulching the front yard and it looks fantastic! I am so happy with how nice it looks. We now are starting to get curb appeal. I hope to paint the porch within the next few weeks. We still have the side yard to finish up. But, it'll look nice, too.

C finished the bathroom--the light switches and headers. The closet now has a door. I finished mudding and I will now need to fill in the holes for the header and sand. Then, the bathroom will just need a paint job. He grouted the tile in the mud room and now needs to finish up the crown moulding and baseboard. Once that is done, we will be seeing a finished mud room. Then, we need to move onto the dining room, kitchen and foyer! All of the rooms really just need little things to complete it--plus, a paint job! It's amazing how much we are accomplishing, especially considering we have a toddler and 3 little girls under foot! G got a kick out of getting her hands dirty and spreading the mulch. She's in a clingy mood--wanting to be around us more. But, she is still saying she wants to go to a traditional school. It's so hard to explain to her that she isn't going to play all the time (this is how she envisions school because we often visit the school's playground on walks) and she would have to sit still and listen for up to six hours. I am not opposed to G attending school, but I feel this would be a complication for her. She has no focus. I am constantly redirecting her.

M's curriculum is still not here. She'll be slightly behind her sisters as she has not started the cyberschool's curriculum yet. We are working on sentence structure, grammar and Math in the meantime. I seriously just want to look it over anyway. She's struggling with just knowing how to handle verbs. I worry about her being in the 3rd grade. But, she gets straight A's. The school did request her handwriting--unedited. So, I will be submitting that this week.

K is having a hard time focusing herself. It is frustrating to me, as it is to her, that she cannot do this. She needs to focus a little more on what she's supposed to do and stop focusing on what is going around her. It will be hard lesson to learn. I am not sure we--her parents--have that skill.

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