Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Chores

This weekend has been very productive in some respects. The girls had a swim meet on Saturday so C took M & K to that (it was a early departure and the two younger kids just couldn't do it) and C asked to just go since it is a little more stress free. I was fine with it. I spent the morning cleaning and doing light housework. I am continuing along the lines of a load of laundry a day--although it seems I can easily do 2 loads and still have some left! How this happens often baffles me. But, it does. But I don't want to overwhelm myself so I still maintain the goal of a load a laundry--washed, folded and put away. The dishes are the next stage. I just need to remember after breakfast to wash the nondishwasher safe (anything plastic in our household--even if it is BPA free, which all of our plastic is) and put it away. I place the dishes in the dishwasher the same way I do the laundry--load it up and turn it on with a full load. I often find myself washing the breakfast and lunch dishes (at least the plates) in the sink since we only have enough for our family. The dishwasher is usually full by dinner. This is maintaining some of the chaos the dishes often create.

This weekend was supposed to be clean out the garage. I spent a good 2 hours doing that but C has so much wood for all of his well-meaning projects that I could not completely do anything. I did go through junk, push things in categories and swept the floor as well as I could. I think we will need to move the wood up to the attic starting soon so I can clean the rest of the space.

I mowed, although I am not sure it was as necessary as I thought when I saw my neighbor's nephew mowing. Once I started, I realized the grass could be allowed to grow slightly taller. I prefer to wait 2 weeks--which it has been--to keep the grass green...especially, since when I mow, I do tend to mow down to the length of the neighbor--who mows lower than I'd prefer. I don't fertilize so it does make a difference. We are a chemical-free household.

I do have a ton of stuff for my to-do list: such as weed the chaos of my gardens! But, C spent the entire weekend being his normal self--"thinking" about the project vs doing. This obviously caused a tiff between the two of us. Once he got going, it looked great! And he does admit he needs to learn to just do things a little more rather than think for hours on it.

Here's the shelf...

1 comment:

  1. We don't have a dish washer and keeping up with dishes for a family of 6 is insane! And laundry I am good doing a load or two each day but I dont always get them folded and put away you can often find a heaping pile of CLEAN laundry on my bedroom floor.
