Saturday, March 3, 2012

How's the hoarding going, Mrs. Frog?

Dateline did a special last night about parenting. The point was to get parents to talk to their kids about cell phones and driving, stranger danger, and bullying. They interviewed a bunch of little kids about their parents and cell phones. The kids all declared cell phones were overly used and they felt their parents didn't want to spend time with them vs the cell phone. My children cannot say that about cell phones. I barely use mine. But,admittedly,  they can say it about the land line, facebook, television, and my obsession with keeping the clutter somewhat manageable.

Since we eliminated the land line, my phone usage is down. I cannot multi-task connected to a computer! So I don't. I have noticed my focus is still off. I have been raised with the multi-task gene. If you aren't doing 50 things at once, you are lazy. The problem is I have no focus. I cannot seem to finish things. I am a dreamer with all these ideas, but my follow-through--especially with my writing is limited.

My clean-up hoarding attitude came about because my now 9 year old came to me and said, "All I want for Christmas is a clean house". What parent wouldn't want to give that to her child? I immediately became obsessed with cleaning. K is happier...she goes around saying, "We can see the basement floor! We can!"

The upstairs bedrooms are finished. The education room is organized, living room is organized...the foyer and my master bedroom still need work. So does the kitchen. But to quote a very intelligent 9 year old, "We can see the basement floor!"

1 comment:

  1. Don't know why this post has been date stamped March 3. I wrote this several years ago.
