Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend means labor right?

This weekend was spent laboring. We cleaned out the garage, organizing the kids' toys. Sadly, we aren't finished with the garage yet as we still have the tools to deal with. I am finishing up with the laundry--another thing I have fallen behind on. In addition to my normal loads, it's my annual "trying to save the stained" clothes. So, it requires 3 hours of soaking in a chemical concoction (which I hate using) and then washing them. The ones that still don't pass end up in a bag full of stained clothes I plan to use as fabric scraps for various projects. I just don't see the point in letting things go to waste. Reuse, reduce, recycle, right?

Today is Monday, and in our household that means school. We don't take holiday breaks off because if we need flexibility I don't like the idea of falling behind. So, we did the full course loads. G really liked geography and did half her workbook! This kept her pretty busy so that we could get the ceiling up in the upstairs hallway--a MUST--before winter. C is going to mud and smooth, then hang a ceiling fan. It hopefully will be much nicer upstairs after tonight!

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