Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Expense of Raising Kids

Many people are amazed when I declare I have 4 kids. The number one question I am asked is, "How can you afford them? They are expensive to raise."

The really cruel people tell my children that if I had less children, they'd be able to do more. In reality, that's questionable. What amazes most people is I often tell them the 4 kids do not cost us a lot of money. For many years, I have exchanged clothes. New clothes were gifted or bought at consignment and garage sales. Many of our children's toys and activities are bought on after-season sales or gifted to them. I bargain shop, plain and simple. I read once an article that stated the following: The average household will spend between $170,000 and $250,000 to raise a child from birth to age 18. Of that, 1320 to 1720 is for clothing in the first eight years. Personally, I find the statistics rather low. (Consumer Expenditure Survey by US Department of Labor) I spend on average $300/year on clothes for my children and many people find that number outstandingly low.


  1. We don't spend that much on clothes either. More than 300 but not thousands. And it climbs with shoes, new holiday outfits, things like that. But for the most part I do pretty good at consignment store and clearance sales. Our biggest expense of course is their education. But well worth it. Second biggest expense is the club sports and camps. Ouch. Not to mention the gas to all.

  2. The older the children get the more expensive they do become. I often try to ask family members to gift the camps, lessons, etc. instead of buying them another toy. And, we have had great success with family (at least on one side) doing it.
